torsdag 26 juli 2012

Dagens impulskjøp...


Nøjd ny surfartjej ;)

Overlykkelig nybegynner! ;) 

Nå kan vi ikke vente til morgendagen! Brettene skal prøves, og skilsen skal fram. Waves watch out!

Have fun, look cool :)

tisdag 24 juli 2012


Sorry about that! Now you can look at the movies! I hope... =)

måndag 23 juli 2012

Byron Bay and appartment =)

Her are two movies for you to enjoy! They are maybe not the best but atleast it's movies!! =)
First some greetings from Byron:

And then a tour in our wonderful appartment!

Tomorrow school begins and we are looking forward to it whit mixed feelings.... =P
See ya!

måndag 16 juli 2012

Spennende dager!

Nå har vi endelig kommet litt i gang her nede! Det har vert en ganske hektisk start på oppholdet, og leilighetsjakten var et kapittel for seg selv. Men nå er vi på plass, og klare for å nyte dette halvåret til fulle!

I går hadde vi vårt første opplegg på skolen. Vi fikk informasjon og hadde møte med den ene læreren. Ingen fare for at vi skal få lite å gjøre her nede… Den ene friuken vi på forhånd har fått forespeilt er byttet ut med full timeplan, så her er det bare å pakke skolesekken og legge seg på stranden å lese;)

Vi har også kjøpt oss sykler, så nå skal vi suse rundt fra strand til strand uten bussventing! Guttene har utsatt denne investeringen litt, så vi får se hvem som kommer først til skolen :).

I morgen går turen til Byron Bay. GLEDE. Har hørt mye fint om stedet, og gleder oss veldig til å prøve surfeskilsene;) Her skal vi være til fredag, så satser på noen topp dager. Surfing, sol (!?), bading og forhåpentligvis nye venner <3


Sjekk ut denne tøffingen her. Verdens beste reisekompis!

söndag 15 juli 2012

From London to Gold Coast!

Finaly the looooong trip is over! We have arrived in Surfers Paradise, we have lived there for four nights, three in a scubby hostel, Maren was dieing!! And one for free in a hotell, in the three bed-room of our new friends Nils and Oyvind. We have walked around in one and a half day, looking for a place to live. Asking and calling THOUSANDS (almost...) of people, but thay just said no no no... We had to sign for at least 6 mounth...but we will only be here for around four...
We had almost given up when we got the nummber of a nice lady that said she had a lovely appartment for us! It was a bit outside the "party-zoone" but as close to school as Surfers, we didnt want to live in the city center, so we went out loooking at it, and find it realy interessting! and there were no problems to only get it for 4 mounths....we went back to the hotel and talked about it, good sides againts bad sides of living so far away from "everyone".... The good sides won! And we called back and said we wanted it!!! We moved in 12 hours later =)

The appartment is now, after an additional cleaning made by us, nice and beutiful! and the view is wonderful! =)
Jetlaged as we still are...we woke up earliy this morning and could vitnes a beutiful sunrise from OUR balcony!! =D

The thought was to write blogg here at school, couse we dont have internet at home jet....but when we started to write (me in Swedish) we figured that all the norwegian-readers would maybe have problem to read swedish whitout dodts and stuff over the letters, and that also the swedish-readers would have problems to read norwegian whitout the dodts and first one is in english for all of you to understand! (hopfully!! :) ) and then we will figure out how to do this, maybe we continue to write in english, it could be a good thing for you aswell as for us to practise our english... ;)
see ya!!